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New film


By Thierno Souleymane Diallo

Country: France, Senegal, Guinea, Saudi Arabia

Production year: 2023

Runtime: 93'

Production company: L'Image d'Après

In 1953, Mamadou Touré directed the film “Mouramani”, a film considered as the first ever made by a black French-speaking director.

However, the mystery remains. No one knows where to find a print, neither if one even exists.

“The Cemetery of Cinema” is the search for that film, also an ode to cinema, both the kind we watch and the kind we make.

A road-movie from east to west, north to south, a film full of love, humor and tenderness towards his peers and the new generation to come but also a quest as Souleymane marches with a sign demanding “Mouramani”’s return…

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